Call us night or day on 01865 570000 (Marston) | 01865 570700 (Headington)

Our family, here
for your family

The Homewood Funeral

Our Homewood Funeral Service provides a dignified funeral with a greater degree of choice. It also enables clients to select elements from our list of optional additional services.

£2,999 plus disbursements* and cost of chosen coffin

The Homewood Funeral Service includes:

• The transfer of the Person who has died any time day or night, within a twenty mile radius of our Funeral Home. Outside of this radius will incur a small mileage charge.

• The full use of our funeral home and its facilities

• Looking after and caring for the Person who has died

• Preparation, washing and dressing the Person who has died in their own clothes or one of our gowns

• Making and administrating the arrangements for our Homewood Funeral at any time, either at one of our funeral homes or in the comfort of your own home.

• Liaising with clergy, officiants, cemetery, crematoria etc on your behalf

• The funeral to be on a day and time of your choosing at the crematorium or cemetery of your choice, with a service at a church before the cremation or burial if you wish.

• Visits to our Quiet Room, by appointment, on a day and time of your choosing, so that you may pay your respects

• The services of our Funeral Director

• Providing a suitable hearse and the necessary staff to convey the Person who has died from our Funeral Home or other local address to the selected local Place of Worship, Crematorium, Burial Ground or Cemetery

• Collection of the Cremated Remains on your behalf from the local Crematorium and looking after them for up to twenty-eight days after the Cremation has taken place

• If it is a burial, provision of a temporary grave marker

• Administration and banking of donations in memory of the Person who has died

• An online donation and tribute page

• Administration of additional services such as ordering floral tributes, printing order of service sheets, placing notices in the newspaper, catering etc.

We require that all disbursements* are paid in full before the funeral. We will then invoice the balance of the funeral account after the service has taken place and request that payment is made within fourteen days.